
作者:环球时报 发布时间:2019-01-30



  officials believe a 33-year-old us citizen who lived in singapore from 2008 is behind the leak. mikhy farrera-brochez was convicted and jailed for fraud and drug-related offences in 2016 and was deported last year. he is the former partner of ler teck siang, the former head of singapore's national public health unit, who was convicted of helping farrera-brochez falsify his medical records to disguise his hiv-positive status.

官员们认为,这起泄密事件的幕后主谋是一名从2008年就居住在新加坡的33岁美国公民mikhy farrera-brochez。他于2016年因欺诈和与毒品相关的罪行被判处监禁,并于去年被驱逐出境。他的前男友吕德祥(音译 ler teck siang)是新加坡国家公共卫生局前局长,因帮助mikhy伪造医疗记录,以掩盖他感染艾滋病的事实而被判刑。

via bbc

疑似泄露信息的美国人 via bbc



新卫生部长颜金勇(gan kim yong)在周一的新闻发布会上对此事表示抱歉:

"i'm sorry that one of our former staff who was authorised to have access to confidential information in our hiv registry appears to not have complied with our security guidelines," health minister gan kim yong said at a monday news conference, singapore's today online news website reports.


on monday, health officials said they had tried to contact "virtually all" of permanent resident and singaporeans on the list - but had only managed to speak to about 900. a hotline has been set up for those affected, and counselling will be offered, ministry of health permanent secretary chan heng kee confirmed.

周一,卫生部官员表示他们试图联系名单上“几乎所有的”永久居民和新加坡人,但目前只联系上了约900人。卫生部常务秘书chan heng kee证实,已为受此影响的人设立了热线电话,并将提供必要咨询。

via bbc

